As a member of the Internal Auditors Association Finland, you become part of an international community with numerous benefits. 

Become a member using this link! (Select application language “EN”)

Full membership is available to individuals working or studying in internal auditing or related fields.

– Fee for joining: 20 euros
– Regular membership: 240 euros annually
– Membership for full-time professional, field-related teacher, and other professional students: 120 euros annually
– Membership for a retiree, unemployed person, or on parental leave: 60 euros annually
– Membership for honorary members and higher education student members: 0 euros annually

Each individual must complete a membership application and apply for membership personally. The application will be processed at the board meeting following its receipt, and the applicant will be notified about the membership decision.

Your membership period always starts on January 1st, and you will receive an invoice for the respective year after the spring annual meeting. Please inform us in advance if any details of your membership change, such as your employer.


Free or discounted student membership provides you with all the association’s benefits: you can access professional guidelines in the member portal and participate in trainings according to member terms.

Conditions for free student membership:

– You are at least a third-year higher education student
– Your studies are focused on internal auditing or related fields (e.g., internal control, good governance, risk management, quality management, compliance, law, auditing, sustainable development)
– You commit to the association’s rules
– Student membership lasts a maximum of 2 years
– Send a study certificate to the association’s office, indicating your field of study and that you are at least a third-year higher education student.

For more information and study certificates:


If you are retired, unemployed, or on parental leave, you can enjoy the association’s benefits with a significantly reduced annual fee. You can still, among other things, participate in trainings according to member terms and access professional guidelines available in the member portal.

For more information:


Communities can also apply for membership. In this case, both the community and its individual members apply for personal membership. Individuals approved through community membership receive the same benefits and rights as individual members. Community members may, if desired, be listed on the website in recognition of their support for the association’s purpose and activities.

For more information: