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We are here to help!
IIA Finland offers a large selection of courses and events throughout the year, many also in English.
As a member of the Internal Auditors Association Finland, you become part of an international community with numerous benefits.
Learn to identify early warning signals and root out unwanted costs caused by unethical suppliers, customers, agents, consultants and dishonest employees.
Companies which conduct business overseas face growing legal and reputational risks. Those risks have become even more important because of increasingly complex business regulations worldwide. Because many risks can be…
Construction of members area still in progress.
The goal of Sisäiset tarkastajat ry (IIA Finland) is to promote the development of internal auditing practices, enhance the professional expertise of internal auditors, encourage member interaction, and participate in…
The goal of Sisäiset tarkastajat ry (IIA Finland) is to promote the development of internal auditing practices, enhance the professional expertise of internal auditors, encourage member interaction, and participate in…
toiminta Yhdistyksen tavoitteena on edistää sisäisen tarkastustoiminnan kehittämistä, sisäisen tarkastajan ammatillista osaamista, kannustaa jäseniä vuorovaikutukseen sekä vaikuttaa ja osallistua alaan liittyvään keskusteluun ja säädösvalmisteluun.