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Ajankohtaista tietoa sertifikaateista IIA Globalilta

 Exam Test Centers: Schedule Now to Test before 31 December 2018

 As we approach the end of the year, we have been informed by Pearson VUE, our certification test administrator, that many test centers are reaching capacity. If you plan to sit for an IIA exam by the end of 2018, please schedule as quickly as possible so you may obtain the desired date and time, as IIA Global cannot guarantee test center availability.

CCSA/CFSA/CGAP Transition Reminder

 After 31 December 2018 IIA Global will no longer accept applications for the CCSA, CFSA, and CGAP programs. Candidates who have been approved into the program after 13 August 2018 will have two years to complete their program.

 CIA Challenge Exam: Opportunity for Many to Earn the CIA

As part of the transition of the CCSA, CFSA, and CGAP programs, individuals who achieve certification by 31 December 2018, but do not hold the CIA designation, will have the opportunity to apply for the CIA challenge exam beginning April 2019.