Bonnie Tse, 29 July 2021
Mentorit ovat kriittisessä roolissa sekä henkilökohtaisen että ammatillisen elämän kulun muokkaamisessa. Tämä on varmasti totta minun tapauksessani. Erityisesti kaksi mentoria auttoi minua urallani, ja kiitollisuus, jota tunnen heitä kohtaan tänäkin päivänä, on inspiroinut minua muodostamaan ja koordinoimaan mentorointiohjelmia sisäisen tarkastuksen ympäristössä.
Mentors play a critical role in shaping the course of your life, from both a personal and professional perspective. That is certainly true in my case. Two mentors in particular were instrumental in my career development, and the gratitude I feel for them to this day has inspired me to form and coordinate mentorship programs throughout the internal audit landscape.
One of the most impactful mentors I had was a virtual experience. I found her through the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA’s) Mentoring Program, and she proved instrumental in getting me more involved with the accounting community.