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Kevätseminaari-puheenvuoro: Audit Ambition Model to assess and further develop Internal Audit Function

With the Internal Audit Ambition Model you can both visualize the current quality level of your Internal Audit Function, and  also determine your ambition level to further professionalize your Internal Audit Function.

The ambition model is intended to be used by the CAE. It provides the opportunity to do a self-assessment of the Internal Audit Function against the Standards. The CAE can assess the current status of the IAF and compare it to the Standards (level 3), He/she can also define the ambition. This should be at least at level 3, but may be higher. It is a good way to demonstrate compliance with Standard 1311. It can also be used as the basis for an EQA (Standard 1312). 

To do this there is an excel sheet available which results in the spider web (one example enclosed). This graph can be used as a tool to communicate with the Audit Committee (and to ask for more budget to accomplish the ambition). More information can be found on website.

You can request the excel sheet by sending an e-mail to IIA Netherlands, to address ambition@iia.nl.