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CPE Policy Changes – Effective 1 September 2023

CPE Reporting Policy Is Changing

To achieve greater alignment with the credentialing industry’s best practices and continue to uphold the credibility of all IIA Certifications, The IIA’s global Professional Certifications Board (PCB) has approved changes to the CPE Reporting Policy.

Among the changes is the name of the policy itself: The “CPE Reporting Policy” will soon be known as the “Annual Certification Renewal Policy.”

The importance of annual certification renewal:

To keep pace with developing trends and the ever-changing risk landscape, it is essential for IIA certification holders to regularly enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies through continuing professional development. Certification holders renew their certifications annually and demonstrate their commitment to keeping their knowledge current and their skills sharp by earning and attesting to continuing professional education (CPE) credit hours throughout the year. The IIA’s commitment to continued education helps to uphold the internal audit profession’s reputation for providing assurance and insight in an objective and ethical manner which serves to benefit all certification holders, their employers, and stakeholders alike


What is changing?

The most significant policy change is that once a certification is expired, it cannot be reinstated. The certification is revoked if the holder goes 3 years or longer without reporting CPE. If an individual with a revoked certification wishes to become certified again, they must reapply to the certification program and pass all required exams to recertify

  • Any surplus of CPE acquired during a calendar year may be used for the following calendar year reporting cycle (20 hours max for CIA and 10 hours for other IIA designations can be rolled over)
  • Grace period increased from 1 year to 2 years.
  • A certification will be “revoked” if the holder goes 3 consecutive years without reporting CPE. A certification in “revoked” status cannot be reinstated; an individual with “revoked” certifications needs to retake the exams.
  • If a certification holder enters into grace status, the holder may no longer use their designation. They may begin using the designation again when their status is returned to active.

Read more about the changes here