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Global IIA -stipendi: hae 15.4.2025 asti

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Larry B. Sawyer Student Scholarship

Myös suomalaiset opiskelijat voivat hakea stipendiä Global IIA:lta!

➡️ Katso kriteerit alta
➡️ Hae 15.4.2025 mennessä IIA Globalin kautta: Larry B. Sawyer Student Scholarship

Application Process & Criteria

• First place – US $5,000
• Second place – US $2,000
• Third place – US $500

Individuals will complete the online application and attach a 3 – 5 minute video submission answering the following questions:
1. Why are you interested in a career in Internal Audit?
2. Are you planning to pursue your CIA and how will it benefit you in your career?
3. What would receiving this scholarship mean to you?

Creativity is encouraged. Applications are accepted annually by April 15. Scholarship recipients will be selected by the Internal Audit Foundation’s Committee of Research Education Advisors (CREA) and approved by the Board of Trustees. Winners will be announced in August each year. Prior award recipients are not eligible.

The award will be granted to an individual who meets the following criteria:
• Currently enrolled in or has recently completed internal audit coursework at the undergraduate or graduate level. (*Alempi tai ylempi korkeakoulututkinto.)
• Recorded and submitted an original video answering the required questions listed above.
• Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA or equivalent. (*Voit laskea oman GPA-arvosanasi verkosta löytyvillä laskimilla, esim. GPA Calculator – tällöin lisäät kurssiarvosanasi sekä ”Credits or hours” -kohtaan kyseisen kurssin opintopistemäärän.)
• Currently sitting for, or planning to take the CIA exam.
• Current IIA student member in North America or participating affiliate country. Non-participating countries are exempt from this criteria. (*IIA Finlandin jäsen; opiskelijajäsenyys alkaen €0)
• HUOM: Voit hakea, vaikka Suomessa ei ole Globalin mainitsemia IIA-IAEP-kouluja – tällöin vaan koulun osuus stipendistä jää pois.


The Larry B. Sawyer Student Scholarship (formerly the Esther R. Sawyer Award) was established in 2000 by the Internal Audit Foundation Board of Trustees and funded through a generous contribution to the Foundation by the Sawyer family. Larry B. Sawyer, CIA, CPA (1911–2002), known as “the father of modern internal auditing,” was an attorney, author, and ardent advocate for the internal audit profession and original author of  Sawyer’s Internal Auditing, now in its seventh edition.