Few mislead, obfuscate, or lie just to mislead, obfuscate, or lie.
I am a geyser geek.
How much of a geyser geek? Well, I am the proofreader for the bimonthly newsletter for the Geyser Observation and Study Association (GOSA) which is called The Sput. (No, I’m not making that up.) I am also GOSA’s Treasurer and on the board of directors.
Daily, I visit the Old Faithful webcam, accessing the site where we gazers discuss what we are seeing on the camera. YNP – Geyser Dashboard (geysertimes.org) And I try to make the 14-hour drive from Phoenix to Yellowstone twice a year to spend at least 4 days sitting in front of steaming holes, waiting for something to erupt.
I just got back from one of those trips, and something interesting happened. In fact, I apparently caused a bit of a brouhaha.