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Slate of Nominees

Nominees for 2024-25 NA and Global Board of Directors

Annually, the Nominating Committees meet to nominate the board officers, members and fill open positions. The announcement is made here, and their term starts at the North American Membership Meeting for the North American board, and at The IIA’s Annual Business Meeting for the Global Board. Please see the current slate of nominees below.

The IIA Global Nominating Committee Announces Slate of 2024–25 Officer and Director Nominees

In accordance with Article VISection 1 of the Bylaws of The Institute of Internal Auditors, nominees for Officers and Directors have been selected by the Global Nominating Committee.

These candidates have agreed to serve, subject to election at the Annual Business Meeting on July 17, 2024 in Washington, DC. The new leaders will take office immediately upon election. All members are invited to attend and may vote in person or by proxy. Officers are elected for one-year terms; Directors serve two-year terms.

The IIA’s Bylaws provide that additional nominations may be made by the membership, provided such nominations are submitted in writing by no fewer than 100 members and received by The IIA CEO at least 90 days prior to the meeting called for the purpose of elections. In the event more than one nominee is proposed for any position, a proxy ballot shall be allowable from each member of The IIA.


Read more here.

Proxy Votes Available Ahead of Upcoming Annual Meetings

The Global and North American Nominating Committees are pleased to announce the nominees for Global Board and North American Board (NA Board) officers, directors, and members, for the open District Advisor and District Representative positions, and for the Canada Advisory Committee.

All candidates have agreed to serve subject to their respective elections. NA Board members, District Advisors, District Representatives, and Canada Advisory Committee members will be elected at the North American Membership Meeting on April 28, 2024. Global Board members will be elected at The IIA’s Annual Business Meeting on July 17, 2024. The new Board members, District Advisors, District Representatives, and Committee members will take office upon election. IIA members may vote in person or by proxy.

Read more here.