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Työkaluja – COSO Enterprise Risk Management for Cloud Computing

COSO Releases New Guidance: Enterprise Risk Management for Cloud Computing

Addressing the demands for remote and flexible work arrangements as a result of the pandemic, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), in collaboration with Crowe LLP, issues “Enterprise Risk Management for Cloud Computing.” This new guidance provides a roadmap for establishing cloud computing governance leveraging the principles of COSO’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) – Integrating with Strategy and Performance framework (2017). The project was commissioned by COSO and co-authored by Mike Grob, Principal, and Victoria Cheng, Managing Director, in Crowe LLP’s Consulting Services.

News Release


IIA Suomen seuraavat COSO-sertifikaattivalmennukset:

COSO IC 24.-26.8.2021

COSO ERM 28.-30.3.2021

Yleistä tietoa COSO:sta löytyy sivuiltamme täältä Sisäinen valvonta, riskienhallinta ja organisaatiokulttuuri