Kun sisäistä tarkastusta ei ole – syy sijoittajille kaikota?
November 22, 2021
”A recent Gallup Poll found that 56 percent of Americans invest in the stock market, which is consistent with historical trends. The statistic varies in other countries, but the fact is, hundreds of millions of individuals around the world, directly or indirectly, are risking their retirement income and financial well-being based on how well the companies they invest in are run.
As more investors seek to benefit from a growing marketplace, they should be cautious when deciding which companies are worthy of their hard-earned dollars. Not only should they understand an organization’s business model and the risks facing the economy, industry, and company, they should also understand how well a company is managed. But in doing so, the tendency is for investors to look mostly at the quality of the board of directors, as well as the track record of the CEO and management team.”