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The Challenges to Internal Audit in a Zettabyte World

The Challenges to Internal Audit in a Zettabyte World

Richard Chambers, 20 January 2019

The long-promised next generation of mobile connectivity, known as 5G, will soon be reality, with some experts predicting a quantum leap in the technology in as little as two years.The biggest impact of 5G will not be in faster download speeds; it will be in how 5G fuels a ”connected everything” world.

How will internal audit cope? Last year’s North American Pulse of Internal Audit report laid out four steps necessary for the profession to adapt and thrive in a technology-enabled world. Internal audit has to:

  • Become agile.
  • Pursue innovation.
  • Redefine its talent.
  • Inspire board engagement.

The coming 5G revolution makes the need for transformation even more urgent. Read the whole article from here.