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ECIIA General Assembly – Vuosikokous

Yhdistyksemme on jäsenenä 33 muun Euroopan IIA (=Institute of Internal Auditors) maan kanssa ECIIA:ssa (=European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing).

ECIIA:n vuosikokous pidetiin la 8. lokakuuta Brysselissä. Suomesta kokoukseen osallistuivat ECIIA hallituksen jäsen Martta Rajalahti sekä ECIIA Audit Committeen jäsen, IIA Finlandin toiminnanjohtaja Kaarina Sinersalo.

ECIIA julkaisi vuosikokouksesta lyhyen tiedotteen seuraavasti. Tiedotteen lopussa on linkki vuosikokouksessa esitettyyn vuosiraporttiin:

”The European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA) welcomed 30 members during the General Assembly, held in Brussels on 8 October 2022. Verra Marmalidou (IIA Greece), ECIIA Treasurer, left the board at the end of her mandate.

The Board and the members thank Verra for her great support over the last 6 years. Three board members had their mandates renewed.

  • John Bendermacher  | IIA Belgium and currently President of ECIIA
  • Massimiliano Turconi | IIA Italy and currently Vice President of ECIIA
  • Róbert Kollár | IIA Hungary

Aristodimos Dimitriadis, Executive Director of Compliance, ERM & Insurance at the OTE Group  (HTO-Hellenic Telecom Organization) was elected as a new board member. Manuel de Alzua (IIA Spain) was appointed the new treasurer of ECIIA.

The ECIIA Annual Report 2021/2022 was also presented at the General Assembly.”

More information from the members of the current ECIIA Management Board can be found from here.