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Internal Audit Profession Awereness – IIA Finland

IIA Finlandille on myönnetty 2020 Building Awareness Champion -tunnustus:

”Greetings and Congratulations!

It gives me great pleasure to present, on behalf of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the 2020 Building Awareness Champion award to IIA-Finland. This award is given annually by The IIA to show appreciation for the exceptional commitment made to promoting the internal audit profession during International Internal Audit Awareness Month, normally celebrated each May. This year, the usual deadline and formal recognition were postponed as priorities shifted to dealing with the devastating impacts of COVID-19.

Internal Audit plays a vital role at all times, but especially during times of crisis. And the past months have been unlike anything experienced in our lifetimes. Despite unprecedented challenges, you pushed ahead with courage and determination in May and the months since to help build awareness of the value that internal audit brings to stakeholders. It is through the collective efforts of affiliates and chapters around the world that we raise the profile or internal auditors as key to the success of their organizations. Thank you for everything you did to demonstrate the truth and timeliness of that message.

Please accept the attached digital award as a sign of your professional commitment. The award was redesigned to reflect that 2020 was indeed a time of ”Rising to the Challenge”. And you did it! I hope that you will display the ribbon proudly on your website.

Once again, thank you for the excellent work you are doing to elevate the profession each and every day.

Best regards,

Richard F. Chambers, CIA, QIAL, CGAP, CCSA, CRMA

President and Chief Executive Officer”