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Kehittämään uutta IIA-ohjeistusta?


hae 30.9.2024 mennessä!

IIA Global etsii IIA-jäseniä mukaan laatimaan uutta Global Practice Guide -ohjeistusta, aiheenaan Coordination and Reliance.

Pääset tässä vapaaehtoistehtävässä:
🔹 Verkostoitumaan kansainvälisesti
🔹 Ansaitsemaan CPE-pisteitä
🔹 Tuomaan omaa näkemystäsi ja kokemustasi esiin sisäisen tarkastuksen ohjekehityksessä

Projektin kesto on lokakuu 2024 – tammikuu 2025. Haethan tehtävään viimeistään 30.9.2024.

Katso lisätietoja ja hae tehtävään täältä! Voit samalla ilmoitttautua myös tulevaan vapaaehtoistoimintaan.

APPLy by 30 sept 2024!

We are excited to announce a new opportunity for IIA members to contribute to the future of internal auditing: the development of the new Global Practice Guide Coordination and Reliance.

We believe that our guidance should truly reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of internal audit professionals worldwide. To achieve this, we are seeking volunteers to join our Task Force and Advisory Group.

As a volunteer, IIA members from all over the world will have the chance to:

  • Network with peers: Collaborate with experienced professionals from around the globe.
  • Share Experiences and Insights: play a direct role in developing guidance that will benefit professionals and the entire internal audit profession.
  • Earn CPE credits: Contribute to the development of the Global Practice Guide and earn valuable CPE hours.

We are looking for volunteers with the following qualifications:

  • 5+ years of Internal Audit Management Experience
  • 5+ years total audit experience
  • CIA Certification preferred
  • Advanced understanding of ERM and Risk Assessments and coordination of assurance providers

Project Timeline is October 2024 – January 2025. Application deadline is 30 Sept 2024.

Please submit an application through the website: www.theiia.org/collaborate.

Your participation will help us create a more inclusive and relevant Global Practice Guide that meets the needs of internal audit professionals everywhere. Thank you for your continued support with The IIA and our mission to advance the Internal Audit profession.