‹ Takaisin

Richard Chambers: For Chief Audit Executives, Alignment Fuels Success

When I served as The IIA’s Global Chairman of the Board, my theme for the year was “Mind the Gap.” The gap, of course, refers to the potential misalignment when internal audit fails to meet stakeholders’ expectations. It has been a few years since my theme echoed around the globe, and the world has changed – a lot. Sadly, what hasn’t changed is that expectation gaps still occur in many organizations.

With that backdrop, I thought it would be timely to offer some additional insight into the topic in what is clearly a coachable moment for chief audit executives.

Navigating through a consistently turbulent and unpredictable present and future places a range of demands on CAEs. This is compounded by expanding expectations, conflicting demands, intense scrutiny in an environment of growing complexity, disruption, and ever-accelerating change.

Read the full blog post here.