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Työkaluja – COSO Enterprise Risk Management “Realize the Full Potential of Artificial Intelligence”

COSO Releases New Guidance: Realize the Full Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Recognizing the accelerating need to identify and manage the risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) effectively, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), in collaboration with Deloitte, has issued “Realize the Full Potential of Artificial Intelligence.” This new guidance leverages the principles from COSO’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) – Integrating with Strategy and Performance Framework (2017), and serves as a guide to help organizations align risk management with strategy and execution of their AI initiatives. The project, commissioned by COSO and co-authored by Deloitte, focuses on the need for organizations to design and implement governance, risk management, and oversight strategies and structures to realize the potential of humans collaborating with AI.

News Release


IIA Suomen seuraavat COSO IC ja ERM -sisäisen valvonnan sertifikaattivalmennukset:

COSO ERM 28.3-30.3.2022

COSO IC 23.8-25.8.2022

Yleistä tietoa COSO:sta löytyy sivuiltamme täältä Sisäinen valvonta, riskienhallinta ja organisaatiokulttuuri