Addressing Complex Audit Issues in ESG
30.05.2024 19:00 - 30.05.2024 20:15
Online (eng)
Maksuton jäsenille - kirjaudu jäsenalueelle ennen maksamista.

Maksuton webinaari jossa käsitellään ESG-ohjelmien (ympäristö, sosiaalinen vastuu ja hyvä hallintotapa) riskejä.
Webinaari on englanniksi. Alustajina ovat Lisa Beth Lentini Walker (CCEP, CCGP; LLM Associate General Counsel, Corporate Legal and Assistant Secretary – Marqeta; CEO and Founder – Lumen Worldwide Endeavors) ja Gerry Zack (CCEP, CIA, CRMA, CFE; CEO – Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics & Health Care Compliance Association).
ESG programs (Environmental, Social and Governance), like any other operational area of an organization, present risk. However, ESG presents some unique and rather public risk issues, and audits in this area can reveal a wide array of issues ranging from legal compliance problems or failures to meet commitments, to ethical and reputational risks or governance problems. How auditors respond to these issues can have important implications and consequences for the organization among broad stakeholder groups. This webinar will utilize a scenario-based approach to explore these issues, leading attendees through a decision-making process aimed at adding value to the audit process while identifying and mitigating risk.
PÄIVÄ: 30.5.2024
AIKA: 19:00-20:15 EEST
1 x NASBA CPE: live-esitykseen osallistujille, jotka ovat kirjautuneena vähintään 50 min, ja osallistuvat vähintään kolmeen kyselyyn per esitystunti.
Huomioi jäsen: jotta pääset osallistumaan maksuttomasti, kirjaudu yhdistyksen jäsenalueelle ennen kuin suoritat ilmoittautumisen.

Lisa Beth Lentini Walker
(CCEP, CCGP; LLM Associate General Counsel, Corporate Legal and Assistant Secretary – Marqeta; CEO and Founder – Lumen Worldwide Endeavors)
Lisa Beth Lentini Walker is the VP, Corporate Legal of Marqeta, a fintech company based in Oakland, California. She is also the Founder of Lumen Worldwide Endeavors, a firm specializing in compliance, governance and ethics consulting. Lisa Beth is a skilled global business partner that has led award winning legal and compliance departments within large public corporations and privately held enterprises. She is the co-author of the book, "Raise Your Game, Not Your Voice: How Listening, Communicating and Storytelling Shape Compliance Program Influence."

Gerry Zack
(CCEP, CIA, CRMA, CFE; CEO – Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics & Health Care Compliance Association)
Since 2018, Gerry Zack, CCEP, CFE, CIA has served as the CEO of Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics & Health Care Compliance Association (SCCE & HCCA), a professional membership association devoted to the compliance and ethics profession with 19,000 members across 100 countries. He leads the development and implementation of strategy for SCCE & HCCA and is a frequent author and speaker on compliance and ethics issues.
Prior to 2018 Gerry spent more than 30 years providing preventive, detective, and investigative services involving fraud, corruption, and compliance matters and has worked in more than 25 countries. He also served as global chair of the Board of Regents of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and for 12 years served on the ACFE faculty.