Looking at Audit Ratings and Opinions for Today’s High-Stakes Environment
03.06.2025 10:00 - 03.06.2025 17:30
EUR 375 + alv
EUR 435 + alv
📅 Ilmoittaudu viimeistään: 26.5.2025
💬 Opetuskieli: Englanti

Viimeaikaiset tapaukset ovat nostaneet sisäisen tarkastuksen toiminnan suurennuslasin alle. Tarkastuslausunnot eivät ole vain raportteja – ne ovat kriittisiä työkaluja, joihin hallitukset ja sääntelyviranomaiset nojaavat päätöksenteossa. Kestääkö nykyinen arviointijärjestelmäsi tämän lisääntyneen tarkastelun?
Tässä ajankohtaisessa koulutuksessa pääset syventymään auditointiluokitusten kehittämiseen ja varmistamaan, että tarkastuslausuntosi tarjoavat sidosryhmien vaatiman varmuuden. Koulutuksen vetää James C. Paterson, entinen AstraZeneca PLC:n sisäisen tarkastuksen johtaja, joka on toiminut konsulttina ja kouluttajana yli 10 vuotta IIA:n tilaisuuksissa Belgiassa, Suomessa, Luxemburgissa, Alankomaissa, Norjassa, Sveitsissä ja Isossa-Britanniassa.
Liity mukaan ja varmista, että tarkastusprosessisi kestää tarkastelun ja tukee sidosryhmien odotuksia nykypäivän monimutkaisessa riskikentässä!
Course description
Recent high-profile cases, have put internal audit functions under the microscope. Your audit ratings and opinions aren’t just reports – they’re critical tools that boards and regulators rely on for decision-making. Can your current rating system withstand this enhanced scrutiny?
Don’t wait for a regulatory challenge or board scrutiny to expose gaps in your rating methodology. Join other colleagues in this timely session to ensure your audit opinions deliver the assurance your stakeholders demand in today’s complex risk environment. Secure your place now to stay ahead of evolving audit expectations and strengthen your function’s credibility with stakeholders.
Who should Attend?
✅ Chief Audit Executives looking to strengthen their overall assurance framework
✅ Internal Audit Managers who need to ensure their ratings align with evolving regulatory expectations
✅ Senior Auditors seeking to enhance their opinion-writing skills in an increasingly complex risk environment
What will I learn?
After this intensive webinar, you’ll be equipped to:
💡 Modernise your rating process by benchmarking against leading practices, including:
⇒ Crafting ratings that reflect the nuances across different risk categories
⇒ Aligning with advanced maturity frameworks in useIncorporating critical risk culture assessments in your ratings
⇒ Developing a risk-appetite sensitive rating approach that resonates with your board
💡 Master the art of forming robust audit opinions that:
⇒ Stand ups to potential regulatory challenge
⇒ Effectively aggregate findings across processes
⇒ Address emerging risks in areas like operational resilience and cyber security
💡 Navigate sensitive regulatory matters with confidence, ensuring your ratings:
⇒ Align with key regulatory frameworks
⇒ Address emerging ESG and conduct risk considerations
⇒ Meet heightened expectations around operational resilience
💡 Build a comprehensive approach to overall opinions by:
⇒ Leveraging diverse evidence sources beyond traditional audit work
⇒ Clearly communicating limitations without diminishing impact
⇒ Effectively benchmarking against peer insights and external assessments
Cancellation policy:
• In case of cancellation 30 days before the start of the course, 0% of the participation fee must be paid.
• In case of cancellation 30-15 days before the start of the course, 50% of the participation fee must be paid.
• In case of cancellation 15 days or less before the start of the course, or no-show, 100% of the participation fee will be invoiced. This applies regardless of the reason, such as illness.
You can transfer your place to a colleague free of charge. Email sisaiset.tarkastajat@theiia.fi and let us know who will replace you.
Last registration day for this training is 26.5.2025. After that you can ask available spots by email at sisaiset.tarkastajat@theiia.fi.

James C. Paterson
James C. Paterson is former head of audit for AstraZeneca PLC and has been consulting and training for the past 10 years for the IIA in Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
He is the author of the book “Lean Auditing” and Root Cause Analysis and System Thinking and has spoken at several IIA International Conferences and also the ECIIA conference. He contributed to the IIA global team that worked on developing practice guidance for internal audit plans.