Radical Reporting: paremmaksi kirjoittajaksi 2025
23.09.2025 10:00 - 24.09.2025 14:00
Online (englanniksi)
EUR 525 + alv
EUR 675 + alv
📅 Ilmoittaudu viimeistään 15.9.2025
💬 Opetuskieli: Englanti

Sisäisten tarkastajien täytyy teroittaa taitojaan kirjoittajina, voidaakseen viestiä täsmällisesti ja tehokkaasti omassa organisaatiossaan ja sen ulkopuolella.
Radical Reporting: paremmaksi kirjoittajaksi -verkkokurssi (englanniksi) ohjaa osallistujia luomaan selkeää ja vakuuttavaa tekstiä sisäisen tarkastuksen tarpeisiin. Käytännönläheinen ja osallistava kurssi on räätälöity kullekin osallistujaryhmälle, hyödyntäen heidän omia kirjallisia töitään esimerkkeinä ja harjoituksina. Kouluttajana toimii Sara I James (PhD, CIA).
Kurssi soveltuu mm. sisäisen tarkastuksessa, riskienhallinnassa ja petostutkinnassa työskenteleville. Siitä hyötyvät myös organisaatiotahot, jotka haluavat päivittää nykyiset raportointirakenteensa ja -mallinsa.
Verkkokurssi käsittää kaksi puolen päivän opetussessiota, jotka toteutenaan Zoom-kokouksena. Zoom-linkki toimitetaan paria päivää ennen kurssia.
- 23.9.2025: 10.00 – 14.00 (Suomen aikaa; Zoom-kokous)
- 24.9.2025: 10.00 – 14.00 (Suomen aikaa; Zoom-kokous)
Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä on 15.9.2025. Tämän jälkeen voit kysyä vapaita paikkoja toimistolta: sisaiset.tarkastajat@theiia.fi
- Peruutus 30 pv ennen kurssin alkua: osallistumismaksusta palautetaan 100%
- Peruutus 29-15 pv ennen kurssin alkua: osallistumismaksusta palautetaan 50%
- Peruutus 14-0 pv ennen kurssin alkua tai ilmoittautumista ei peruta: osallistumismaksusta palautetaan 0% (myös sairastapauksissa).
Ilmoittautumisen voi siirtää kuluitta toiselle henkilölle. Ilmoita korvaavan henkilön nimi sähköpostitse: sisaiset.tarkastajat@theiia.fi.
Radical Reporting course
Internal auditors must become skilled writers in order to communicate clearly throughout and beyond their organisation. This course is particularly popular with audit, risk and fraud teams, as well as with departments that want to revise their current report structures and templates.
The course helps participants produce clear and compelling writing. It does so through engaging them in intensive analysis of logic, language and the very purpose of written communication. This course is extremely practical and tailored to each client, using their own written work sensitively in examples and exercises.
After attending this course, participants will be able to communicate more effectively to a variety of audiences through:
- going to the root of their own thoughts, objectives and assumptions;
- recognising bad habits that make written communication hard to read and understand;
- using proven techniques to produce clearer, more concise writing.
- They will then be able to produce reports that meet the business’ or client’s needs, having practised:
- analysing both the overall structure and the individual components of a report for maximum effectiveness; duck
- reviewing their own and others’ work in a focussed, efficient and productive way.
Detailed content
1. Clarity – the theory:
- The link between clear thinking and clear writing
- How well do businesses currently communicate?
- Good writing and the link to performance (yes, there is one!)
- Advice from professional bodies – how useful is it?
2. Clarity – the practice: How can we say the same thing in fewer words?
- Cutting wordy phrases
- Active and passive
- Zombie nouns
3. Grammar, punctuation and usage
- Why do good grammar, punctuation and usage matter?
- The logic of grammar and the legal implications of poorly constructed sentences
4. Reports
- What is the purpose of a report?
- Organising your own thoughts for greater effect
- Structuring a successful report
- Findings, issues and recommendations
- The executive summary
5. Reviewing and editing
- What makes the reviewing process work well?
- What are both parties’ responsibilities?
- The editorial process in publishing – useful advice for reviewing reports
Date and time
- Sept 23-24th, 2025
- 10:00 – 14:00 (Finnish time)
- Online, via Zoom
- The meeting link will be provided a few days before the course.
Cancellation policy:
- In case of cancellation 30 days before the start of the course, 0% of the participation fee must be paid.
- In case of cancellation 30-15 days before the start of the course, 50% of the participation fee must be paid.
- In case of cancellation 15 days or less before the start of the course, or no-show, 100% of the participation fee will be invoiced. This applies regardless of the reason, such as illness.
You can transfer your place to a colleague free of charge. Email sisaiset.tarkastajat@theiia.fi and let us know who will replace you.
Last registration day for this training is 15.9.2025. After that you can ask available spots by email at sisaiset.tarkastajat@theiia.fi.

Sara I James
Sara I James (PhD, CIA) provides provides report-writing training worldwide through her business, Getting Words to Work (TM), with over 30 years' teaching, writing, publishing and corporate experience in the US and Europe.
She has written numerous articles on language and reporting, and spoken at national and international conferences.