Strategic Audit Planning: Mastering Best Practices reflecting the new GIAS



10.06.2025 10:00 - 10.06.2025 17:30




Jäsenet: EUR 375 + alv
Ei-jäsenet: EUR 435 + alv
📅 Ilmoittaudu viimeistään: 2.6.2025
💬 Opetuskieli: Englanti


Tehosta tarkastusstrategiaasi ja suunnitteluprosessiasi

Entisen CAE James C. Patersonin johdolla tämä intensiivinen koulutus yhdistää uusimmat GIAS-vaatimukset ja IIA:n uusimman riskiperusteisen tarkastussuunnittelun käytännön ohjeistuksen, tarjoten ajankohtaisia ja vaikuttavia ratkaisuja.

Perinteiset tarkastussuunnittelun menetelmät eivät enää riitä nopeasti muuttuvassa riskimaailmassa. Tämä koulutus antaa sinulle edistykselliset työkalut, joilla voit:
✅Laatia tarkastussuunnitelmia, jotka tukevat suoraan liiketoiminnan tavoitteita
✅Tarjota organisaatiollesi merkityksellistä varmuutta
✅Luoda aidosti arvoa ja vaikuttavuutta sidosryhmille

Varmista paikkasi ja vie tarkastustoimintasi seuraavalle tasolle!

Who should attend?

✅ Heads of Internal Audit seeking to elevate their planning approach
✅ Senior Audit Managers looking to enhance their strategic impact
✅ Experienced Auditors ready to advance their planning capabilities

What will i learn?

Master the techniques to:

⇒ Design «top-down» audit plans that align with business strategy
⇒  Create clear, impactful assignment questions that drive effective execution
⇒ Integrate with other assurance activities for comprehensive coverage
⇒ Present audit plans that command attention and secure resources
⇒ Build stronger relationships with key stakeholders when developing the audit strategy

Course Curriculum

💡 Strategic Foundation
Modern audit planning processes and documentation standards
⇒ Techniques for meaningful stakeholder engagement
Methods to align audit plans with assurance mapping as well as organizational objectives and risk appetite

💡 Value Enhancement
⇒ Strategies to embed value-add opportunities within core assurance work
⇒ Balancing senior management and audit committee expectations
⇒ Advanced approaches to scope definition and assurance level determination

💡 Practical Application
⇒ What is the right place for an “audit universe”?
⇒ Dynamic planning across multiple time horizons
⇒ Linking planning with your internal audit strategy

💡 Resource Optimization
⇒ Strategic approaches to resource planning and skill gap analysis
⇒ Techniques for productive discussions about resource adequacy
⇒ Methods to enhance audit team capabilities and effectiveness

Cancellation policy:

 In case of cancellation 30 days before the start of the course, 0% of the participation fee must be paid.
• In case of cancellation 30-15 days before the start of the course, 50% of the participation fee must be paid.
• In case of cancellation 15 days or less before the start of the course, or no-show, 100% of the participation fee will be invoiced. This applies regardless of the reason, such as illness.

You can transfer your place to a colleague free of charge. Email and let us know who will replace you.

Last registration day for this training is 2.6.2025. After that you can ask available spots by email at



James C. Paterson

James C. Paterson

James C. Paterson is former head of audit for AstraZeneca PLC and has been consulting and training for the past 10 years for the IIA in Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

He is the author of the book “Lean Auditing” and Root Cause Analysis and System Thinking and has spoken at several IIA International Conferences and also the ECIIA conference. He contributed to the IIA global team that worked on developing practice guidance for internal audit plans.

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