Webinar – Risk in Focus 2024: The human factor – human capital, diversity, talent management
17.01.2024 12:00 - 17.01.2024 13:00
Webinar is free for members.

ECIIA and EIRG (European Institute Research Group) are hosting a webinar on Internal Audit and Human Capital, on Wednesday, January 17, at 12:00 (EET). The 2024 edition of Risk in Focus (RiF) highlighted human capital again as the second biggest risk. Chief Audit Executives expect a substantial rise in the time their IAF will spend on this topic in the coming years.
During the webinar attention will be paid to:
- The main audit topics in the area of human capital, like talent management, DEI and psychological safety
- How to get your expertise?
- The do’s and don’ts’s auditing them
The event is free of charge for members and grants 1 CPE.
HUOM! Webinaarin lopussa voit täyttää CPE lomakkeen. Käytännössä vain lomakkeen täyttäneiden henkilöiden oikeus CPE pisteisiin rekisteröityy ja voidaan jälkikäteen tarvittaessa todentaa. IIA Finland ei lähetä CPE todistuksia automaattisesti yksittäisistä webinaareista.
(IIA Finland lähettää CPE todistuksen, mikäli Global IIA auditoi jäsenen CPE pisteet.)
OBS! A CPE form request will be available at the end of the webinar. In practice, only individuals who have filled out the form will have their right to CPE (Continuing Professional Education) points registered and can be verified afterwards if needed. IIA Finland does not automatically send out CPE certificates for individual webinars.
(Please note that IIA Finland only sends out the CPE certificate if the Global IIA audits the member’s CPE points.)