Väärinkäytösten jäljillä – Fighting Fraud
Väärinkäytösten jäljillä – Fighting Fraud -kurssilla opit havaitsemaan petoksia ja muita riskejä aiemmin ja tehokkaammin, teoriatasolla ja työpajassa.
Väärinkäytösten jäljillä – Fighting Fraud -kurssilla opit havaitsemaan petoksia ja muita riskejä aiemmin ja tehokkaammin, teoriatasolla ja työpajassa.
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) on julkaissut tuoreen raporttinsa ammatillisista väärinkäytöksistä.
Addressing fraud risk is a shared responsibility for everyone, starting at the top and extending throughout the organization. Mitigating the risk of fraud can impact loss of assets, reduced efficiency,…
Listen to The IIA’s new Fraud Podcast brought to you by All Things Internal Audit. The Fraud Podcast provides fictionalized accounts of real-world frauds featured in Internal Auditor magazine’s Fraud department.
IIA Finland ilmoittautui Fraud Awareness Week tukijaksi. Osallistumme International Fraud Awareness Week 12.11-18.11.2023 – hankkeeseen, jonka tarkoituksena on pyrkiä maailmanlaajuisesti minimoimaan väärinkäytösten vaikutuksia lisäämällä tietoisuutta väärinkäytösriskeistä.
During the pandemic, the US government provided economic relief to many organizations and their employees through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which helped businesses continue to compensate their staff. The program dispensed…
The Fraud Risk Management Guide provides a plan to address the risks for the organization by creating a custom-fitted program tailored to its specific needs. Our expert speaker will discuss…
Leading practices for anti-fraud professionals and organizations intent on deterring fraud
This Global Perspectives & Insights examines fraud threats and opportunities in the current risk landscape, from lingering challenges associated with the waning COVID-19 pandemic to threats associated with the cryptosphere…
For the better part of two years, COVID-19 caused disruptions across the board, ranging from the way that people worked, where they worked, how their organizations dealt with suppliers and supply…