ECIIA Banking Forum 2021 for CAEs
04.11.2021 11:00 - 04.11.2021 17:30
N/A - Only for members

For members only!
ECIIA is delighted to invite you, Chief Audit Executives of ECB directly supervised banks or CAEs of European Banks, (and the members of your Management Committee) to join us for the fourth edition of the European Forum with the European Banking Regulator and Supervisor.
The event will be virtual and will take place on Thursday 4 November. This will be an opportunity to share experiences and common challenges of the internal audit profession in the banking sector and to network with European peers.
You can see the participants’ list and message each other to schedule a meeting as soon as you register. The networking sessions will be available from the 28th of October until the 11th of November.
The draft agenda is also available.
Register in IIA Finland’s page for members: sign in first and you will find the document ”ECIIA Banking Forum 2021” in ”Ladattavat tiedostot” in the main membership page. Click the link ”Register” in that document and you will be guided to the ECIIA registration page.