Practical approaches to new ways of internal auditing
14.08.2018 08:45 - 16.08.2018 16:30
Radisson Blu Seaside, Ruoholahdenranta 3, 00180 Helsinki (huom. paikka muuttunut!)
Member Price: Early Bird -hinta 2.7.2018 asti (Early Bird until 2 July): kaikki 3 päivää yhteensä 1190 € + alv (all 3 days altogether 1190 € + VAT), yksittäinen koulutuspäivä 495 € + alv (one training day 495 € + VAT).
3.7 lähtien (since 3 July): kaikki 3 päivää yhteensä 1395 € + alv (all 3 days altogether 1395 € + VAT), yksittäinen koulutuspäivä 580 € + alv (one training day 580 € + VAT).
Non-member Price: Kaikki 3 päivää yhteensä 1670 € + alv (all 3 days altogether 1670 € + VAT), yksittäinen koulutuspäivä 695 € + alv (one training day 695 € + VAT).

Kolmen päivän koulutuskokonaisuus elokuussa, heti kesälomien jälkeen. Kouluttajana innoittava ja osaava James Paterson. Osallistu kaikkiin kolmeen päivään. Tai poimi itsellesi sopivimmat aiheet ja päivät. Early Bird 2.7 asti.
Kouluttajan saamia aikaisempia palautteita koulutuksistamme:
- ”Thanks a lot! I really appreciated your practical approach. You touched upon subjects that I have been thinking about recently. It was great fun and very useful!”
- ”Special thanks for your presentation style! You really got us sharing experiences instead of listening to lecture, only.”
- ”I would like to see him again in Finland.”
- ”Theory very well linked to practice and good examples which helped to understand the point.”
Ohessa koulutusta taustoittava James Patersonin artikkeli Practical approaches to new ways of internal auditing.
Lisäksi ohessa myös Jamesin artikkeli ”Corporate Governance «Theatre» and the possibility of a continuing Assurance gap.”
Voit halutessasi tutustua kurssin kuvaukseen ja aikatauluun myös suomeksi Practical approaches -kurssin kuvaus ja aikataulu suomeksi
Increasingly Internal Audit teams are being asked to look at new areas of risk. However, managers and even audit managers can sometimes wonder how can internal audit teams make a meaningful contribution to these sorts of risks.
This workshop will give you important skills and insights in the following areas:
- How to assess which governance, strategic risks and projects may deserve audit attention
- How to make a meaningful contribution in relation to governance (IIA standard 2110) – ways of breaking down the focus of audit work to address issues of importance, rather than just paperwork
- How to look at risk management processes as well as specific risks (IIA standard 2120)
- Looking at key projects and programmes – ranging from cost savings initiatives, to outsourcing to systems implementations
Participants will have the opportunity to benchmark their current approaches and have a practical understanding of sensible ways to tackle new risks with confidence.
The new definition of internal auditing asks us to deliver insights? But what does this really mean and how do we deliver these on a timely basis in a practical way. The “engine room” that delivers these is having an effective assignment scope and a quality work programme that helps the audit team focus on what’s really important. But how often do we share the details of how we develop these work programmes and how can we be sure they will deliver real insights?
This workshop will give you important skills and insights in the following areas:
- Making an effective link between the assignment plan and the audit plan and knowing when you need to ask more to get the right “exam questions” clear
- Thinking about the types of assignment we can do process design review, healthchecks, audits and investigations and understanding key differences in the work programme
- Learning how to create an effective library of re-usable work programmes that can then be tailored to specific assignment requirements, resulting in the benefit of high quality work plans that can be developed quickly.
- Managing work programme execution, knowing when to stop and understanding how to effectively measure impact and get to action plans that address root causes and give insight
Participants will have the opportunity to benchmark their current approaches and be clear how to balance quality with productivity and delivery.
Internal audit teams have a delicate balancing act to manage – offering both assurance as well as advice (and now insight). In theory, these offerings should be valued by all internal audits stakeholders, but in practice managers challenge the work and the opinions of internal auditors.
This workshop will explore the reasons for this resistance to what audit offers and help auditors understand how to better position themselves and their work. This workshop will explore some of the psychology of audit and the different things that stakeholders value – the “currency” they value – and help auditors develop a deeper understanding, and practical skills to help them get a “seat at the table.” This will include how to have effective stakeholder meetings, getting underneath management expectations and knowing how to balance between what is written and spoken.
We will discuss real “war stories” and practical examples as a way of bringing this important, but evolving subject to life, including the use of action learning techniques to help understand how to approach “high stakes” meetings effectively.
Majoitus 13.-16.8.:
Radisson Blu Seaside Hotel, Ruoholahdenranta 3, 00180 Helsinki
Tarvittaessa osallistujat varaavat huoneensa itse hotellista alla olevia yhteystietoja sekä varaustunnusta ”Sisäiset tarkastajat” käyttämällä. Majoituskiintiö on voimassa 30.7.2018 klo 20 saakka.
Standard yhden hengen huone 163 euroa / huone / yö
Standard kahden hengen huone 183 euroa / huone / yö
Huonehintaan sisältyy runsas buffet-aamiainen, hotelliasukkaiden saunavuoro, langaton internetyhteys (Wi-Fi) ja alv.
Maksutapa: Jokainen majoittuja vastaa itse omista majoituskuluistaan. Maksu käteisellä, pankki- tai luottokortilla.
Varaukset: Radisson Blu myyntipalvelu
Puhelin: +35820 1234 700 / yksittäiset huonevaraukset
Huomioithan, että viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä tähän koulutuskokonaisuuteen on 31.7.2018! Jos ilmoittautuminen perutaan viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen tai ilmoittautumista ei peruuteta, niin veloitamme molemmissa tapauksissa koko kurssimaksun.
Kysythän paikkoja koulutukseen myös viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen (sisaiset.tarkastajat(at)
7 CPE / koulutuspäivä
08:45 | Arrival and registration |
09:00 | Introductions, background and expectations |
09:20 | Getting important risks on the audit plan |
10:00 | What are the main pitfalls when auditing “difficult areas”? Using the 5 C’s framework: especially Condition, Criteria, Cause and Consequence |
10:30 | Break |
10:45 | IIA standard 2110 on governance Options of what you can review – Clues where you might look Key pitfalls to manage |
11:30 | Looking at risk management processes – how to deal with different levels of maturity. How to raise meaningful points; lessons from the financial crisis and recent corporate issues |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:15 | Strategic risks – what are they? Why are they so important? Advice of key pitfalls to manage |
14:30 | Break |
14:45 | Projects and programmes – what sorts of assignment are possible and at what stages in the project? Problems with “lessons learned” reviews |
15:15 | Getting a suitable assessment framework and what to do if this is difficult Common points to watch for |
16:15 | Sharing next steps |
16:30 | Close |
08:45 | Arrival and registration |
09:00 | Introductions, Background and expectations
09:20 | The assignment scoping process – getting a good link to the audit plan (an area that can be challenged in external quality reviews)
10:00 | Getting the right balance of background information – the importance of critical information seeking and being clear about key stakeholders |
10:30 | Break |
10:45 | How to prioritise the scope and the implications of the size of the work programme (with opportunities to save resource)
11:30 | Benchmarking of work programmes |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:15 | Developing a library of key controls that can be re-used – some good practices in use in other organisations.
14:45 | Break |
15:00 | Moving from facts to information to insights Coming up with action plans that address root causes |
15:45 | Lessons to balance productivity and assignment quality – practical tools and measures that can help |
16:15 | Sharing next steps |
16:30 | Close |
08:45 | Arrival and registration |
09:00 | Introductions, Background and expectations
09:20 | IIA standard 2400 Communicating results. Survey results of key challenges that auditors face. |
10:00 | Understanding what stakeholders value and do not
10:30 | Break |
10:45 | The psychology of auditing |
11:30 | Practical ways to reduce and manage the predictable resistance that can arise |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:15 | Different influencing styles and their pros and cons The importance of effective networking |
14:30 | Break |
14:45 | Understanding political sensitivities and how to manage these |
15:15 | Experiences analysed through action learning techniques
16:15 | Sharing next steps |
16:30 | Close |

James Paterson
Training consultant for the IIA Belgium, IIA France, IIA Finland, IIA Norway, IIA Sweden, IIA Switzerland and IIA UK.
Former Head of Internal Audit for AstraZeneca PLC.
Experience in External Quality Assessments (Quality Assurance Reviews) for the IIA UK. Author of the book “Lean Auditing”.