Webinar: Get to Know the New Cybersecurity Topical Requirement
06.02.2025 19:00 - 06.02.2025 20:00
Maksuton jäsenille -
katso ohje alta
USD 59

Uusittuun IPPF-viitekehykseen kuuluu pakollisena myös aihekohtaiset vaatimukset. Ne auttavat sisäisiä tarkastajia tiettyjen tarkastusalueiden haasteissa. Samalla ne varmistavat, että kaikki tarkastuksen toiminnot soveltavat samoja johdonmukaisia metodeja arvioidessaan tietyn aihealueen riskienhallinnan, kontrollien sekä johtamis- ja hallintoprosessien tehokkuutta.
Elevating Performance and Adding Value
In 5 February 2025, the IIA will release the first of its Topical Requirements, Cybersecurity. We invite you to learn about the Topical Requirement for Cybersecurity and how internal audit functions approach adoption and implementation. This webinar will focus on how conformance with the Cybersecurity Topical Requirement will improve the consistency, quality, and reliability of internal audit services and results.
George Barham, Director of Standards and Guidance, Information Technology and Anne Mercer, Senior Director Professional Guidance, will share with you the extensive collaboration that supported the development of the Cybersecurity Topical Requirement.
They will also discuss how it will help internal auditors to assess and evaluate:
- The organization’s cybersecurity governance
- Cybersecurity risk management
- Cybersecurity control processes
As a result of viewing this webinar, you will be able to:
- Understand why Cybersecurity risk continues to be a top internal audit priority.
- Learn about the Cybersecurity Topical Requirements, including its key elements and user guide.
- Apply the Cybersecurity Topical Requirement within your organizational setting.
- Demonstrate how the Cybersecurity Topical Requirement will promote more consistent assurance and advisory engagements.
One (1) NASBA CPE will only be awarded to participants on the live broadcast who are logged in for a minimum of 50 minutes and engage on at least three poll questions per each hour of the event.
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• Klikkaa viimeistään ostoskorissa yläkulman ”Sign in”-linkkiä
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USD 59