Find fraud and corruption before it finds you!
24/01/2019 08:30 - 24/01/2019 17:00
Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti, Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
Price for members:
Early bird -price until 12.12.2018 475€ + VAT
From 13.12.2018 595€ + VAT
Second or more participants from the same organization 395€ + VAT
Price for others:
695€ + VAT

Find fraud and corruption before it finds you! A practical course where you will learn proven techniques which you can use in your organization.
With Nigel Iyer and Veronica Morino
About the course:
This updated course is for anyone in organisations who wants to learn how to find concrete examples where their organisation is being defrauded or involved in something undesirable. The goal is to find indications and warning signs as early as possible and follow them through efficiently, instead of relying on whistle-blowers, or waiting for the story to break in the media.
The core of the training will focus on two highly successful and proven techniques which all participants can use in their organisations to discover fraud and corruption early, namely “following the money to find fraud fast” and “how to apply the “think like a thief” methodology to identify where fraud is most likely. Participants will also learn how to effectively employ desktop investigation techniques in a structured manner to efficiently explore the red flags and indications which they have discovered. Finally, the course will address how to efficiently resolve and remedy instances of likely fraud and corruption with minimal disruption.
This training will be highly practical and held by Nigel Iyer and Veronica Morino from Hibis ( Both are experts in their field with a strong track record and many years of experience of detecting and resolving fraud and corruption early, Nigel and Veronica have also worked extensively in Finland and the surrounding region. You, the participant, will also be working with realistic scenarios, documents, data and examples of footprints.
Voit halutessasi tutustua kurssin kuvaukseen ja aikatauluun myös suomeksi: Find fraud – kurssin kuvaus ja aikataulu suomeksi
Related articles:
What Internal Auditors Should Know About Dirty Money Centers
Zero tolerance – there’s a realistic alternative
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Received feedback / Nigel Iyer sai maaliskuussa 2017 erinomaista puhujapalautetta – ohessa muutama poiminta:
- Aivan mahtava, innostava ja asiantunteva kouluttaja. Odotan innolla mahdollisia uusia Nigelin pitämiä koulutuksia. Absolutely fantastic, inspiring and professional. Looking forward new training from Nigel.
- I really liked Your training style. You came with simple practical tools, something that you can start to implement and take advantage of immediately in your everyday work.
Please note that the last day of registration is 10th of January 2019.! If the registration is being cancelled after this date or is not being cancelled at all, we will charge the whole course fee in both cases.
Please ask for a place in this course also after the last day of registration from sisaiset.tarkastajat(at)
Huomioithan, että viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä tähän koulutuskokonaisuuteen on 10.1.2019! Jos ilmoittautuminen perutaan viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen tai ilmoittautumista ei peruuteta, niin veloitamme molemmissa tapauksissa koko kurssimaksun.
Kysythän paikkoja koulutukseen myös viimeisen ilmoittautumispäivän jälkeen (sisaiset.tarkastajat(at)
08:30 | Registration |
09:00 | Welcome, goals and expectations
Introduction to effective Fraud Finder Techniques using interactive and realistic exercises |
10:15 | Break (coffee) |
10:30 | How to out-think the criminals using the “Think Like a Thief” method
Exercise: Applying the think like a thief method to your own organization to identify the most likely methods |
11:45 | Lunch |
12:45 | How to develop an overall programme to identify the early warning signs of fraud and corruption in your organisation
Exercise: Find the red flags using a realistic data stream (participants will be using their laptops or tablets) |
14:00 | From Raw Findings to Polished Presentation (incorporating the ”lateral thinking desktop detective”)
15:00 | Short break |
15:15 | Presenting your findings and adding value to your organization
16:30 | Summary, questions, reflections and key learning points |
17:00 | Finish |

Veronica Morino
Veronica has over 15 years’ experience investigating, finding and training others on how to prevent and manage fraud and corruption around the world. A sociologist of work and economics with a master in organisational science, she has developed holistic desktop investigative research and analysis tools to explore organisations, business partners, suppliers, customers and key individuals and discover what is really going on at a fraction of the resources normally associated with investigation. Veronica has also worked for several years with the assessment of the effectiveness of organisations’ anti-fraud and corruption programs and is currently completing a PhD degree on that subject.

Nigel Iyer
Nigel has over 20 years' experience investigating and detecting fraud and corruption. A computer scientist and qualified chartered accountant Nigel soon found that his true passion lay in rooting out corruption and fraud. Nigel is also today a qualified dramatist and has written a number of films and plays based on experiences, many of which are used in teaching worldwide. He has written several books and papers, and teaches widely how to defend organisations against the “commercial dark arts”. He is also a fellow of the University of Leicester School of Business.