Webinaari: Increase Your Chances of Passing The CIA Exam
13.05.2021 20:00 - 13.05.2021 21:00
CIA certification can help you take on a leadership role in 2021. Join our certification experts on Thursday, May 13 @ 1:00 pm ET for a free 60-minute webinar. Get answers to all your questions about CIA qualifications, the exam, and the all-new, redesigned IIA’s CIA Learning System.
This one-hour session, held four times each year, will help you:
- Understand the CIA program, eligibility requirements, and exam.
- Determine how much time you’ll need to prepare for the exam.
- Prepare to pass using The IIA’s CIA Learning System®.
- Utilize simple study and testing tips to increase your chances of success.
Lisätietoja CIA valmennuksesta ja CIA Learning -itseopiskelupaketista.
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